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Ya se puede descargar la ultima versión de iOS y Android que rastrea los contagios por COVID-19

La crisis sanitaria desatada por la COVID-19 ha llevado a las grandes compañías tecnológicas a buscar soluciones que puedan ayudar a la contención y control de su expansión. El proyecto conjunto de Google y Apple para rastrear individuos contagiados por coronavirus, «Contact Tracing Framework» («CTF»), ya está disponible a través de la actualizaciones de iOS y Android.

Hace unas semanas, Google y Apple anunciaban que comenzaba a trabajar juntas para desarrollar, un sistema de rastreo de individuos contagiados por coronavirus de tal forma que otros individuos pudieran recibir un aviso de haber estado en contacto con los contagiados. Este proyecto de las dos grandes tecnológicas, que por primera vez trabajan conjuntamente, tiene como objetivo contener la expansión de la enfermedad y suministrar datos a las autoridades para su control.

Particular interés en materia de protección de datos es el hecho de que las compañías han asegurado que no se emplearán datos de geolocalización, sino que la tecnología implicada será Bluetooth; y que, una vez obtenida a través del dispositivo móvil, ésta se enviará a «la nube» de manera encriptada-de extremo a extremo- garantizando de esta manera la protección de los datos. A través de esta API, las aplicaciones de las autoridades públicas de salud pueden acceder a esta información.

A diferencia de otras aplicaciones, como aquellas encargadas por el Gobierno español al Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital (dentro del proyecto denominado «DataCOVID»), CTF no puede descargarse de ninguna store; simplemente se activa con una nueva actualización de los sistemas operativos de los smartphones, iOS en Apple y Android en Google, que ya están disponibles para su descarga.

En la ultima actualización del sistema operativo de Apple para dispositivos móviles (la 13.5), que desde hoy está disponible, se nos informa de que a través de ella (i) se acelera el sistema de acceso al movil a través de Face ID, particularmente cuando se está utilizando una mascarilla (que a muchos le habrá dado multiples quebraderos de cabeza el desbloqueo del móvil con ella); y (ii), sobre todo, la esperada API de Notificación de Exposición para apoyar el control y rastreo de contactos por COVID-19 (CTF).

Una vez activada en el apartado de «Salud» (dentro de ajustes), el teléfono empieza a intercambiar de manera aleatoria IDs con otros dispositivos mediante Bluetooth. Esta información es alojada en el dispositivo durante 14 días y, una vez compartida con las apps de las autoridades sanitarias, se puede informar al usuario de que ha podido estar expuesto a la COVID-19. Además, aquellos que hayan sufrido la enfermedad pueden elegir voluntariamente que esta información se comparta anónimamente con otros dispositivos para que otro sepan que han estado expuestos al virus.

Aunque parece que en España tendemos que esperar para poder hacer uso de ella. Así lo pueden comprobar aquellos usuarios que descarguen la nueva versión 13.5 de iOS.

Fuente: Captura propia de un iPhone XS

También se mejora el sistema de mosaico (o pantallas) de FaceTime, así como la mejora de agujeros y fallos. En general, toda una actualización pensada por y para la COVID-19.

Para mejorar el desbloqueo del iPhone con el sistema FaceID cuando se lleva una mascarilla puesta, la nueva versión de iOS directamente te presenta el campo de la contraseña al detectar que llevas la protección en la cara, sin tener que esperar a que cargue todo el proceso de autenticación de FaceID y te devuelva el resultado de error. Esta facilidad también se extrapola a otras herramientas que funcionan con FaceID como App Store, Apple Books, o Apple Pay.

Imagen: Computerhoy


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    Elden Stroup

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    Jenifer Wayn

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    Generate effortless income of $531 per day with YouTube™ Channels in just 60 seconds! No technical skills required, no video creation, and no need to be on camera.

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    Yours cordially

    Belgium, WHT, Carlsbourg, 6850, Oostjachtpark 272
    If you’d like to opt-out of these specific types of offers, kindly respond to this email.

  • M

    Marilyn Soriano

    Hello miguelortego.com Owner.

    Learn How to Make $100 – $1500 per Day
    You can get your hands on the method that I’ve mastered over the last 12 years of building and monetizing…

    >> https://cutt.ly/2wI9FtPH

    With appreciation

    Italy, VR, Valeggio Sul Mincio, 37067, Via Giotto 104
    To opt-out of receiving future specific offers, please reply to this email.

  • D

    Darell Gaylord

    To the miguelortego.com Owner!

    Learn How to Make $100 – $1500 per Day
    You can get your hands on the method that I’ve mastered over the last 12 years of building and monetizing…

    >> https://cutt.ly/2wI9FtPH

    Wishing you all the best

    United States, CA, Oakland, 94612, 2041 Beech Street
    To exclude yourself from receiving these particular offers, please reply to this email.

  • I

    Ida Christensen

    With keyword targeted PPV ads I can get you qualified website visitors for less than a penny per click. This method works for both local and online businesses. Very easy to get started. Just sign up, give me your website and I’ll provide the traffic.

    For details, shoot me an email or Skype me at my contact info below.

    P. Stewart
    Skype: live:.cid.ad0ee8f191cd36b4
    Email: ps25485@gomail2.xyz

  • M

    Michael Greville

    I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to discuss how our Monthly SEO Services can significantly impact your business’s bottom line, driving both profit and sales growth.

    1. Increased Visibility, Increased Sales
    2. Targeted Traffic for Conversions
    3. Enhanced Conversion Rates
    4. Competitive Edge in Sales
    5. Measurable ROI
    6. Adaptation to Market Trends

    We’d be thrilled to discuss how our tailored Monthly SEO Services can specifically contribute to the profitability and sales growth of your business. When would be a convenient time for a discussion? Let’s collaborate to unlock the full potential of your online success. Find out more at https://digitalpromax.co/

  • D

    Dedra Kenneally

    I now offer contact form blasting service. With my DFY service you can either do a targeted blast to only websites that match your criteria or bulk blast large volumes of sites worldwide. Prices start at just $50 to reach 500,000 bulk sites. Contact me at my email or skype below for details.

    P. Stewart
    Skype: live:.cid.e169e59bb6e6d159
    Email: ps31535@gomail2.xyz

  • N

    Novella Serle

    Hi miguelortego.com Administrator!

    Discover the power of Backlinks!

    Gain maximum visibility for your business with the help of our premium SEO Services.

    Access now and turn your website into a magnet for organic traffic.

    Buy authentic and relevant backlinks for guaranteed results!

    From here -> https://cutt.ly/IwadizLv


    Brazil, RS, Bage, 96418-640, Rua Setecentos E Quarenta E Cinco 953

    To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: Unsubscribe miguelortego.com

  • B

    Buddy Burden

    To the miguelortego.com Owner.

    Ready to supercharge your income effortlessly?

    Earn $136+ Per Day With This Magic Button, A One-click Payday App That Makes You Money Every Time Someone Clicks Their Mouse.

    >> https://cutt.ly/nwI9KOYS

    Wishing you peace

    France, CENTRE, Palaiseau, 91120, 50 Square De La Couronne
    To remove yourself from this specific offer mailing, simply respond to this email.

  • E

    Ellie Feaster

    I now offer contact form blasting service. With my DFY service you can either do a targeted blast to only websites that match your criteria or bulk blast large volumes of sites worldwide. Prices start at just $50 to reach 500,000 bulk sites. Contact me at my email or skype below for details.

    P. Stewart
    Skype: live:.cid.e169e59bb6e6d159
    Email: psBs27 5ye@gomail2.xyz

  • S

    Shad Coughlin

    To the miguelortego.com Webmaster!

    Ever dreamed of building your own online business without the hassle of creating products or intensive advertising?

    The Secret Email System is the answer! Turn your dream into reality today!
    With the semi-automated method and our valuable bonuses, you’ll turn leads into sales while enjoying the freedom you deserve.

    See More In This Video! >> https://cutt.ly/hwI9GAJK

    Yours loyally and sincerely

    Australia, SA, Raukkan, 5259, 19 Hereford Avenue
    To discontinue receiving offers of this type, kindly reply to this email.

  • B

    Bryce Groce

    I can help you promote your links and drive traffic to your website by blasting classified ads all over the internet for others to see. I can post your ad to over 2,000 high-traffic classified ad pages in the United States and Canada, 500+ blogs, and 150+ permanent links to social sites. My platform offers a manual submission service that ensures your ads are submitted to the right places. You can also track your ad’s performance and make necessary changes to improve your results. Classified ad blasting is a great way to get your message out there, reach a wider audience and improve your website’s SEO!

    For details, shoot me an email or Skype me at my contact info below.

    P. Stewart
    Skype: live:.cid.f2bf75b5a952541b
    Email: philstewart@myyahoo.com

  • S

    Sam Bromley

    Hello Everyone! Thank you for taking the time to read this. We’re an online marketing agency which specializes in Search Engine Optimization. We’ve been in the SEO business providing high quality SEO Services building successful SEO campaigns for over 15 years and have completed over 31,000 orders while serving 1000s of highly satisfied clients. If you have any questions please contact us and we’ll get back to you ASAP. Contact us at

  • W

    Woodrow Ebersbach

    The same way I just sent you this message I can also post your ad message to millions of sites. Don’t worry, it doesn’t cost much Hit me up via email or skype for details.

    Phil Stewart
    Skype: live:.cid.e169e59bb6e6d159
    Email: ps73-100@gomail2.xyz

  • T

    Traci Leppert

    Hello miguelortego.com owner,

    Are you ready to take your website to new heights?

    Boost your online presence and skyrocket your profits with our exclusive Website Traffic service.

    No bots or proxies, just real visitors. Targeted traffic from search engines and referral traffic from social media await you.

    Visit now and start your journey to success: https://cutt.ly/OwQWjbLC

    Best regards,

    Germany, TH, Weimar, 99401, Koenigstrasse 75

    To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: Unsubscribe miguelortego.com

  • S

    Sommer Burnell

    Hello miguelortego.com owner,

    We can help you grow your online presence and attract more customers to your business with our Top SEO Services.

    Our team of experts can improve your Google and YouTube Ranking, optimize your Google Maps listing, provide Professional Content for your website, and increase your Website Traffic.

    Don’t miss this opportunity to grow your business and stay ahead of the competition.

    =>> https://cutt.ly/bwaduXWo

    Best regards,

    Netherlands, UT, Nieuwegein, 3438 Lm, Veldhoeve 161

    To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: unsubscribe miguelortego.com

  • M

    Michael Poate

    Nobody Beats Our Pricing And Quality. #1 Rated Backlink Building SEO Agency. Get Started.
    1,500+ SEO’s Use Our Backlink Service Every Month To Power Their SEO Campaign.

    Our backlink service is used and trusted by 1,500+ digital marketing agencies to power their clients SEO. Whether you’re a business owner or an agency, we can help propel your SEO.

    Check out for the Best SEO LINK BUILDING Packages: https://alwaysdigital.co/lgt/

  • M

    Miguel Tully

    To the miguelortego.com Admin!

    Generate effortless income of $531 per day with YouTube™ Channels in just 60 seconds! No technical skills required, no video creation, and no need to be on camera.

    Start now! >> https://cutt.ly/qwI9H4Wl

    Yours enduringly

    United States, GA, Macon, 31201, 1453 White Lane
    If you’d like to opt-out of these types of offers, kindly respond to this email.

  • M

    Miles Numbers

    Hi miguelortego.com Admin!

    Generate effortless income of $531 per day with YouTube™ Channels in just 60 seconds! No technical skills required, no video creation, and no need to be on camera.

    Start now! >> https://cutt.ly/qwI9H4Wl

    Yours respectfully

    Great Britain, NA, Kaber, Ca17 6bf, 46 Newgate Street
    If you want to be removed from future offers like this, kindly respond to this email.

  • G

    Gaye Stable

    Hi miguelortego.com Webmaster.

    Learn How to Make $100 – $1500 per Day
    You can get your hands on the method that I’ve mastered over the last 12 years of building and monetizing…

    >> https://cutt.ly/TwFzZam9

    Yours unswervingly

    Sweden, NA, Sundborn, 790 15, Halebacksvagen 17
    If you want to stop receiving these specific types of offers, please reply to this email.

  • J

    Jeffery Koertig

    To the miguelortego.com Admin.

    Learn How to Make $100 – $1500 per Day
    You can get your hands on the method that I’ve mastered over the last 12 years of building and monetizing…

    >> https://cutt.ly/TwFzZam9

    Yours thankfully

    Austria, BURGENLAND, Gabraun, 8614, Brucker Bundesstrasse 40
    If you no longer wish to be included in these types of offers, please reply to this email.

  • C

    Celia Huntington

    Hi miguelortego.com Administrator.

    Ready to supercharge your income effortlessly?

    Earn $136+ Per Day With This Magic Button, A One-click Payday App That Makes You Money Every Time Someone Clicks Their Mouse.

    >> https://cutt.ly/nwI9KOYS

    With great respect

    Belgium, VOV, Zegelsem, 9660, Rue Des Honnelles 412
    To stop these particular offers from reaching you, please reply to this email.

  • S

    Sam Fidler

    Struggling to Launch Your Online E-commerce Store?
    Missing out on potential sales and customers? Building a successful eCommerce site can be complex and time-consuming.
    Transform Your Business with Expert eCommerce Development at affordable prices!

    ✅ Customized Online Stores
    ✅ Seamless User Experience
    ✅ Boosted Sales and Conversions

    Ready to create an E-Commerce store? Start Today!

    Don’t let eCommerce challenges hold you back. Launch a powerful online store with our expert eCommerce development services!

  • R

    Rob Bice

    GAMIFY your videos and get viewers to happily give you their email and phone number.

    There is no other tech like this..it’s the next big thing. As seen on CBS, NBC, FOX, and ABC.

    See if you qualify for a free GAMIFICATION of your video.

    Contact me via my email or skype below for more details

    email: gamifyvideo@gmail.com
    skype: live:.cid.d347be37995c0a8d

  • R

    Robert Parmley

    Is Your Website Not Ranking In Google?
    Losing potential customers to competitors? Your website’s low rankings are costing you valuable leads and revenue.
    Boost Your Rankings with Monthly SEO Services!

    >> Benefits:
    > Increase Search Engine Rankings
    > Drive Targeted Traffic
    > Boost Conversions
    > 4x Profits

    >> Transform Your Business Today!
    >> Click here to know more: https://alwaysdigital.co/?src=m14miguelortego.com

  • M

    Mark Skemp

    If you are reading this message, That means my marketing is working. I can make your ad message reach 5 million sites in the same manner for just $50. It’s the most affordable way to market your business or services. Contact me by email virgo.t3@gmail.com or skype me at live:.cid.dbb061d1dcb9127a

  • D

    David Bate

    Have you heard of Se-REM? (Self effective – Rapid Eye Movement). Many people don’t know that REM brain activity dramatically improves the processing of traumatic emotion. It creates peace and empowers the listener. Se-REM is an advanced version of EMDR therapy. It is more powerful because it combines elements of 6 different therapies, EMDR, hypnosis, mindfulness, Gestalt child within work, music therapy, and Awe therapy,(connecting profoundly with nature).

    It has helped thousands of people overcome PTSD, and anxiety. But it is also helpful in a great many situations, loss of any kind, grief, and even marital counseling. It’s mission statement is «Trauma relief at as close to free as possible». This not-for-profit program downloads to a smart phone or computer and can be used in an office or at home. Read about it, hear samples, and download at: Se-REM.com. Once you own the program, you are encouraged to give it away to others who will benefit. I provide free consultation to all who use the program. Write questions to: davidb@se-rem.com.

    Se-REM.com has a 95% rating on Trustpilot and is in use in 32 countries.

  • K

    Klaudia Barrera

    To the miguelortego.com Webmaster!

    Do You Want To Start Earning Over $300 Every Day Today ?

    It’s easy, anyone can do it…

    Learn how here => https://cutt.ly/swI9PMyz

    Best regards

    United States, CA, Burbank, 91502, 4216 Oakway Lane
    To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email…

  • C

    Concepcion Estevez

    Dear miguelortego.com Admin

    Do You Want The World’s Fastest & Easiest Breakthrough For Automated $300+ Commissions

    Anyone Can Do This, 100% Beginners Friendly

    SEE HERE => https://cutt.ly/swI9PMyz

    Best regards

    Iceland, NA, Talknafjor?Ur, 460, Eyrarlandsvegur 28
    To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email…

  • D

    Dana Peeler

    To the miguelortego.com Owner

    Do You Want The World’s Fastest & Easiest Breakthrough For Automated $300+ Commissions

    Anyone Can Do This, 100% Beginners Friendly

    SEE HERE => https://cutt.ly/swI9PMyz

    Best regards

    Italy, RC, Sitizano, 89010, Via Giulio Camuzzoni 49
    To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email…

  • D

    Dulcie Walston

    Hi miguelortego.com Administrator

    Do You Want The World’s Fastest & Easiest Breakthrough For Automated $300+ Commissions

    Anyone Can Do This, 100% Beginners Friendly

    SEE HERE => https://cutt.ly/swI9PMyz

    Best regards

    Australia, TAS, Bakers Beach, 7307, 35 Springhill Bottom Road
    To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email…

  • R

    Russ Gainer

    To the miguelortego.com Administrator!

    Interested in Making $100 or More Every Single Day?

    It’s easy, practically anyone can excel…

    Explore how right here >> https://cutt.ly/Newz5ogZ

    Best regards

    Italy, LU, Valpromaro, 55068, Via Melisurgo 108
    To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email…

  • A

    Avery Hansman

    Hello miguelortego.com Owner.

    Ready to Make $100 or More Every Single Day?

    It’s simple, seriously anyone can do it…

    Discover how now : https://cutt.ly/Oewz4PY1

    Best regards

    Austria, LOWER AUSTRIA, Lobenstein, 4181, Pottenbrunner Hauptstrasse 43
    To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email…

  • J

    Julius Bromby

    Hi there

    Generate effortless income of $531 per day with YouTube Channels in just 60 seconds!

    No technical skills required, no video creation, and no need to be on camera.

    Start now >> https://cutt.ly/qwI9H4Wl


    United Kingdom, NA, Washaway, Pl30 0tn, 89 St Dunstans Street
    To stop any further communication with miguelortego.com, please reply to this email…

  • S


    Hello miguelortego.com Webmaster

    Discover the power of Backlinks!

    Gain maximum visibility for your business with the help of our premium SEO Services.

    Access now and turn your website into a magnet for organic traffic.

    Buy authentic and relevant backlinks for guaranteed results!

    From here => https://cutt.ly/IwadizLv


    Austria, STYRIA, Graz, 8055, Leobnerstrasse 9
    To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: Unsubscribe miguelortego.com

  • H

    Horacio Rendall


    Generate effortless income of $531 per day with YouTube Channels in just 60 seconds!

    No technical skills required, no video creation, and no need to be on camera.

    Start now >> https://cutt.ly/qwI9H4Wl


    Poland, NA, Koszalin, 75-432, Ul. Falata Juliana 79
    To stop any further communication with miguelortego.com, please reply to this email…

  • S


    Hi miguelortego.com Owner

    Discover the power of Backlinks!

    Gain maximum visibility for your business with the help of our premium SEO Services.

    Access now and turn your website into a magnet for organic traffic.

    Buy authentic and relevant backlinks for guaranteed results!

    From here => https://cutt.ly/IwadizLv


    Great Britain, NA, Saxlingham, Nr25 3xh, 3 Shire Oak Road
    To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: Unsubscribe miguelortego.com

  • C

    Cortez Sidaway


    Ready to Make $100 or More Every Single Day?

    It’s simple, seriously anyone can do it…

    Discover how now >> https://cutt.ly/Oewz4PY1


    United States, GA, Atlanta, 30303, 3602 Clement Street
    To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email…

  • A

    Antonetta Ness

    Hi there

    Want to kickstart your earnings with over $300 daily, beginning today?

    It’s simple, suitable for anyone…

    Dive into the details here >> https://cutt.ly/xerpNaDp

    Thank you

    Poland, NA, Warszawa, 02-495, Ul. Robinii 107
    To stop any further communication with miguelortego.com, please reply to this email…

  • B

    Burton Fontaine

    Good day

    Learn the secret to earning over $100 daily, beginning now.

    It’s a breeze, anyone can do it…

    Don’t hesitate, this exclusive opportunity won’t last.

    Click here to start earning! => https://cutt.ly/Oewz4PY1


    Poland, NA, Gdynia, 81-191, Ul. Traczy 141
    To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email…

  • R

    Raymon Durgin


    Attention! A revolutionary opportunity awaits.

    Discover the hidden secret within Jeff Bezos’ Amazon empire – a secret that provides you with a continuous flow of free traffic and exceptional Amazon commissions!

    [+] Free Traffic: Tap into an untapped Amazon Prime traffic source.
    [+] Massive Commissions: Earn up to $293.47 per day effortlessly.
    [+] User-Friendly: No complicated or costly setups needed.

    [Raymon] «AMZ AUTOMATOR has totally changed how I earn Amazon commissions. It’s incredible!»

    This exclusive Amazon Prime secret won’t last long. Act now!

    CLICK HERE TO START EARNING =>> https://cutt.ly/TetnxHkj

    Seize this moment. Secure your spot among the successful today!

    Kind regards

    France, CENTRE, Nice, 6000, 90 Rue Des Chaligny
    To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email…

  • F

    Fiona Kellaway

    Good day

    Prepare yourself! A monumental shift is here.

    Uncover the incredible secret within Jeff Bezos’ Amazon empire – a secret that delivers endless free traffic and outstanding Amazon commissions!

    [+] Endless Traffic: Access a hidden traffic source from Amazon Prime.
    [+] High Commissions: Make up to $293.47 daily with ease.
    [+] Simple and Efficient: No complicated or expensive setups required.

    [Fiona] «AMZ AUTOMATOR has revolutionized my income from Amazon commissions. It’s phenomenal!»

    This exclusive Amazon Prime secret is time-sensitive. Don’t wait!

    CLICK HERE TO BEGIN =>> https://cutt.ly/cetnxSvC

    Don’t let this opportunity pass. Join the ranks of the successful today!


    Germany, BY, Schonungen, 97453, Luebecker Strasse 89
    To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email…

  • P

    Patrice Palafox

    Hi there

    Ready to dominate TikTok?

    Our game-changing AI app empowers you to create professional-quality short videos effortlessly!

    Don’t miss out! Grab your ticket to TikTok success now

    SEE HERE => https://cutt.ly/aetz5cW2

    Warm regards

    Switzerland, NA, Kaltacker, 3413, Forrenbohlstrasse 55
    To stop any further communication with miguelortego.com, please reply to this email…

  • M

    Mark Badillo

    If you are reading this message, That means my marketing is working. I can make your ad message reach 5 million sites in the same manner for just $50. It’s the most affordable way to market your business or services. Contact me by email virgo.t3@gmail.com or skype me at live:.cid.dbb061d1dcb9127a

  • A

    Adeline Hooker

    Good day

    Prepare yourself! A monumental shift is here.

    Uncover the incredible secret within Jeff Bezos’ Amazon empire – a secret that delivers endless free traffic and outstanding Amazon commissions!

    [+] Endless Traffic: Access a hidden traffic source from Amazon Prime.
    [+] High Commissions: Make up to $293.47 daily with ease.
    [+] Simple and Efficient: No complicated or expensive setups required.

    [Adeline] «AMZ AUTOMATOR has revolutionized my income from Amazon commissions. It’s phenomenal!»

    This exclusive Amazon Prime secret is time-sensitive. Don’t wait!

    CLICK HERE TO BEGIN =>> https://cutt.ly/cetnxSvC

    Don’t let this opportunity pass. Join the ranks of the successful today!

    Thank you

    Netherlands, DR, Coevorden, 7742 Xk, Van Haersoltelaan 80
    To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email…

  • P

    Pete Wyant

    Looking for a Great Job?
    75% of resumes aren’t even seen by hiring managers!

    Is your resume keyword rich and ATS ready?

    Find out with our FREE consultation with a certified, trained resume writing.
    Send your resume to resumes@razoredgeresumes.com to make sure you are not missing out!

    Send your resume now and we will reach out to you to speak at your convenience.

    Quick and easy. Start today!

  • D

    Dave Muse

    You may wish to save this email for future reference. There is no need to unsubscribe because this is a one-time email from Se-REM. This announcement is a public service for a not-for-profit program that has saved and restored lives shattered by abuse and trauma.

    Have you heard of Se-REM? (Self effective – Rapid Eye Movement). Many people don’t know that REM brain activity dramatically improves the processing of traumatic emotion. It creates peace and empowers the listener. Se-REM is an advanced version of EMDR therapy. It is more powerful because it combines elements of 6 different therapies, EMDR, hypnosis, mindfulness, Gestalt child within work, music therapy, and Awe therapy,(connecting profoundly with nature).

    It has helped thousands of people overcome PTSD, and anxiety. But it is also helpful in a great many situations, loss of any kind, grief, phobias and even marital counseling. The mission statement is «Trauma relief at as close to free as possible». This program downloads to a smart phone or computer and can be used in an office or at home. Read about it, hear samples, and download at: Se-REM.com. Once you own the program, you are encouraged to give it away to others who will benefit. I provide free consultation to all who use the program.
    Se-REM.com has a 95% rating on Trustpilot and is in use in 33 countries.

    If you would like to know more you can watch a UK Podcast at: https://lockedupliving.podbean.com

  • A

    Agustin Silvis

    Hi there

    Ready to dominate TikTok?

    Our game-changing AI app empowers you to create professional-quality short videos effortlessly!

    Don’t miss out! Grab your ticket to TikTok success now

    SEE HERE => https://cutt.ly/aetz5cW2


    Switzerland, NA, Schweizerhalle, 4133, Muhle 53
    To stop any further communication with miguelortego.com, please reply to this email…

  • S

    Sam Benefield


    Building a successful ecommerce website can be overwhelming. Are you struggling to get your online store off the ground?
    Low traffic, poor conversions, and complex platform choices can make it feel impossible to succeed. It’s frustrating when your hard work doesn’t translate into sales and growth.
    Download our FREE eBook: «100 Checkpoints for a Successful Ecommerce Website.» This comprehensive guide is designed to help you overcome these challenges and transform your ecommerce site into a thriving business.

    Here’s what you’ll get:

    Target Audience, UserFriendly Design, Compelling Product Descriptions, Simplified Checkout, SEO Tips, Digital Marketing Strategies, Customer Service, Security Compliance & Growth Planning.
    Ready to conquer your ecommerce challenges? Download Your Free eBook Now!


    We’re here to support your journey to ecommerce success. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out.

    To your success,
    Sam Miller

    P.S. Limited time offer – grab your free eBook today!

  • M

    Mike Theus

    If you are reading this message, That means my marketing is working. I can make your ad message reach 5 million sites in the same manner for just $50. It’s the most affordable way to market your business or services. Contact me by email virgo.t3@gmail.com or skype me at live:.cid.dbb061d1dcb9127a

    P.S: Speical Offer – Only for 2 days – 10 Million Sites for the same money $50

  • S


    Good day

    My name is Axy, and I am excited to introduce you to our comprehensive SEO services designed to boost your online visibility and drive more traffic to your website.

    We understand that in today’s competitive digital landscape, having a well-optimized website is crucial for success.

    That’s why we are offering a FREE Off-Page & On-Page SEO Audit to help you get started on the right foot.

    [+] Comprehensive Site Analysis: We will thoroughly check your website and create a customized Full SEO Campaign tailored to your specific needs.
    [+] Keyword Research: Our team will identify the most effective keywords to promote for each individual page of your site.
    [+] Page-by-Page Evaluation: We will review every page of your website and provide recommendations on the best package to buy and necessary changes to improve your SEO score.
    [+] Customized SEO Strategies: If you want to target specific keywords, we will guide you on where to make changes for optimal results.
    [+] Personalized SEO Packages: We can create SEO promotion packages customized to your needs or based on your budget.

    We are committed to helping you achieve your business goals by enhancing your online presence.

    Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if you are ready to take advantage of our free SEO audit.

    ==>> https://t.ly/gw63W

    Thank you for your time, and we look forward to working with you to make your website stand out!


    Austria, BURGENLAND, Rabelsberg, 4843, Ybbsstrasse 73
    To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email with subject: Unsubscribe miguelortego.com

  • T

    Tegan Mahomet

    Good day

    Introducing the ultimate solution to skyrocket your income effortlessly: our Copy and Paste System. Just set it up once, and watch as you gain unlimited buyer subscribers and recurring commissions without any additional effort.

    Experience the simplicity and efficiency of our system, designed to streamline your process. Maximize your earnings with minimal time investment, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business or personal life.

    Don’t miss out on this game-changing opportunity. Click here to start now and transform your earning potential! => https://shorturl.at/IwN5Z

    Yours truly

    Australia, QLD, Stoters Hill, 4860, 4 Boulter Close
    To stop any further communication with miguelortego.com, please reply to this email…

  • C

    Christoper Lade

    Hi there

    Discover the ultimate tool for list building and earning with our new Secret Funnel! This innovative method allows you to get paid for clicks and affiliate sales, revolutionizing the way you profit from paid traffic.

    Maximize your earnings effortlessly with clear benefits: immediate profits, enhanced arbitrage opportunities, and a streamlined list-building process. Say goodbye to complicated setups and hello to straightforward success.

    Ready to elevate your earnings? Click here to start using the Secret Funnel and transform your email list into a profitable asset today! => https://shorturl.at/0doUN

    Yours sincerely

    Denmark, REGION SJALLAND, Kobenhavn K, 1320, Oksendrupvej 18
    To stop any further communication with miguelortego.com, please reply to this email…

  • C

    Cortney Jack


    Introducing the ultimate solution to skyrocket your income effortlessly: our Copy and Paste System. Just set it up once, and watch as you gain unlimited buyer subscribers and recurring commissions without any additional effort.

    Experience the simplicity and efficiency of our system, designed to streamline your process. Maximize your earnings with minimal time investment, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business or personal life.

    Don’t miss out on this game-changing opportunity. Click here to start now and transform your earning potential! => https://shorturl.at/IwN5Z

    Yours truly

    Australia, WA, Norpa, 6415, 31 Cubbine Road
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  • O

    Olga Brower

    Good day

    Discover the ultimate tool for list building and earning with our new Secret Funnel! This innovative method allows you to get paid for clicks and affiliate sales, revolutionizing the way you profit from paid traffic.

    Maximize your earnings effortlessly with clear benefits: immediate profits, enhanced arbitrage opportunities, and a streamlined list-building process. Say goodbye to complicated setups and hello to straightforward success.

    Ready to elevate your earnings? Click here to start using the Secret Funnel and transform your email list into a profitable asset today! => https://shorturl.at/0doUN


    Netherlands, GE, Nijmegen, 6537 Hj, Meijhorst 106
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  • I

    Imogene Mccrory


    I hope this email finds you well.
    We are reaching out to introduce M.I.H Marketing Agency, the ideal partner for elevating your brand. Our expertise in innovative strategies, tailored campaigns, and data-driven results sets us apart.

    By partnering with us, we can enhance your brand with the use of:
    • Software development
    • AI development
    • App development
    • Website development
    • Cyber security
    • Virtual private servers
    • Digital design
    • Social media marketing
    • International law and accouting
    • Clothing design and supply
    • White label writers
    • White label courses

    If the service that you are looking for is not listed please reach out to us,as this list does not include all of the services we provide.

    Ready to take your marketing to the next level? Let’s schedule a zoom meeting to discuss how M.I.H can drive your business forward.

    Best regards,
    M.I.H Marketing Agency

  • M

    Mauricio Hollander

    If you are reading this message, That means my marketing is working. I can make your ad message reach 5 million sites in the same manner for just $50. It’s the most affordable way to market your business or services. Contact me by email virgo.t3@gmail.com or skype me at live:.cid.dbb061d1dcb9127a

    P.S: Speical Offer – ONLY for 24 hours – 10 Million Sites for the same money $50

  • L

    Lisa Conley

    Hi miguelortego.com Owner,

    Struggling with Live Chat Issues?

    Slow response times and missed chats can create a stressful environment for your team and frustrate your customers.

    What If It Gets Worse?

    As these issues pile up, you risk damaging your reputation and losing business. It’s a tough situation to handle alone.

    Here’s Some Hope:

    You don’t have to face this by yourself. Our live chat solutions can:

    Speed Up Response Times: Ensure quick, effective support.
    Scale with Your Needs: From startups to large enterprises.
    Expert Agents: Professional and efficient chat handling.
    Ready for a Change? Free 30 days trial.

    Email us at lisa365chat@gmail.com to schedule a free consultation and discover how we can help you streamline your live chat operations.

  • A

    Arden Stocks

    Advantages of hiring a Developer:

    Specialized Expertise
    Tailored Customization and Control
    Time and Cost Efficiency
    Custom Plugin Development
    SEO Optimization
    Ongoing Support and Maintenance
    Seamless Integration and Migration
    Scalability for Business Growth

    Hire a web developer now from us. Contact us at e.solus@gmail.com

  • R

    Roseanna Trudeau


    Stop Wasting Money on Designers, Video Editors, or Expensive Apps…

    Revealing the World’s First Canva, ChatGPT-4, And Midjourney Killer App That Generates 20+ Types Of Stunning Visuals Using AI in Seconds.

    No Experience – No Learning – No Team Required => https://zeep.ly/sAClR

    Yours sincerely

    Italy, TO, Bousson, 10054, Via Adua 69
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  • E

    Esther Bradley


    Introducing the game-changing cloud autoresponder that writes your emails and blasts them to done-for-you leads daily using premium AI technology.

    No more struggling with copywriting or paying for costly services—this tool does it all for you.

    Want effortless email marketing? Click here and start automating your success today => https://zeep.ly/oURxW

    Warm regards

    Netherlands, OV, Borne, 7623 Cb, Paardebloem 17
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  • B

    Bethany Barney

    Hi there

    Discover the secret to driving massive traffic and making serious money with ease.

    The Slide Cash Loophole is simple, effective, and ready to help you cash in on crazy results fast!

    Ready to boost your income? Click here to unlock the loophole and start earning today => https://zeep.ly/ggGbk

    Kind regards

    United States, OH, Columbus, 43209, 3556 Bates Brothers Road
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  • C

    Clarence Blubaugh


    A million-dollar agency owner quit the traffic race and developed a game-changing software that delivers 3-5 client leads weekly—without headaches or hassles.

    Now, you can copy his exact strategy and start getting qualified leads, even if you’ve struggled before.

    Want 90% of your SEO work done for you?

    Click here to add this powerful tool to your marketing arsenal today ==>> https://zeep.ly/stlzH


    Brazil, SP, Pindamonhangaba, 12441-410, Rua Particular 1741
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  • E

    Eli Cuming


    Are you looking for fast, secure, and reliable proxies for your online activities? ProxyScrape is here to help!

    What we offer:
    – Residential Proxies: Rotating IPs from residential locations to avoid online restrictions and blocks.
    – Premium Proxies: Top speed and reliability with a 99% success rate, ideal for performance and security-demanding tasks.
    – Dedicated Proxies: Private IPs for maximum control and customization, perfect for sensitive tasks.
    – Free Proxy Lists: HTTP, Socks4, and Socks5 proxies, updated every 5 minutes.

    Why choose ProxyScrape?
    – Reliability: Our proxies are tested and verified to ensure maximum performance.
    – Security: Protect your online identity with secure and anonymous proxies.
    – Flexibility: We offer personalized solutions for your specific needs.

    Don’t miss the chance to enhance your online experience! Visit https://zeep.ly/WTvzu

    Yours sincerely

    France, CENTRE, Paris, 75001, 91 Square De La Couronne
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  • J

    Juliet Ogilvy

    Hi there

    In need of seeking out high-speed, protected, and reliable proxies for your digital needs? ProxyScrape have you covered!

    What we offer:
    – Residential Proxies: Dynamic residential IPs based in real households to avoid internet blocks and blocks.
    – Premium Proxies: High-speed connections and robust stability offering nearly 100% uptime, perfect for resource-heavy and privacy-focused tasks.
    – Dedicated Proxies: Individualized proxies for maximum control and tailored configurations, designed for sensitive tasks.
    – Free Proxy Lists: A selection of free proxy options, updated every 5 minutes.

    Why pick ProxyScrape?
    – Reliability: Our proxies are thoroughly checked and verified for maximum performance.
    – Privacy: Safeguard your privacy with strong and private proxies.
    – Flexibility: You’ll get tailored options for what you require.

    Now’s the time to enhance your internet activities! Head to: https://zeep.ly/WTvzu

    Thank you

    France, CENTRE, Caluire-Et-Cuire, 69300, 19 Rue Marie De Medicis
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  • D

    Dalton Winder

    Good day

    A high-revenue entrepreneur abandoned the competition for traffic and developed a cutting-edge software that provides 3-5 potential clients each week—without stress or issues.

    Today, you can replicate his successful approach and kick off attracting targeted leads, even if it didn’t work for you in the past.

    Looking for most of your SEO tasks completed?

    Click here to include this essential solution to your digital toolkit today: https://zeep.ly/idMaK

    Yours sincerely

    Netherlands, ZH, Rotterdam, 3013 Aj, Stationsplein 47
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  • L

    Lasonya Mcknight


    Discover how it’s possible to make $250 per day through online methods with these successful techniques and resources.

    The comprehensive guide provides helpful strategies that are easy to understand and apply, enabling you to achieve financial freedom while working from home.

    Don’t miss out! Kickstart your journey to financial independence right now by clicking here to discover more and start now ==> https://zeep.ly/yDwdm


    Netherlands, ZE, Middelburg, 4335 Ab, Langevielesingel 139
    To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email…

  • L

    Larae Pineda

    Hi there

    Learn the way you could make $250 daily through online methods with these effective approaches and resources.

    Our complete guide delivers helpful methods that are straightforward and put into practice, enabling you to achieve monetary freedom from the comfort of your home.

    Don’t let this opportunity pass by! Begin your path to financial freedom today by clicking this link to learn more and start now ==> https://zeep.ly/vArLC

    Yours sincerely

    Germany, BY, Heroldsberg, 90562, Rathausstrasse 80
    To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email…

  • C

    Cameron Eklund


    Find out how you can make $250 per day through online methods with our effective approaches and tools.

    Our complete guide delivers helpful tactics that are simple to follow and put into practice, enabling you to reach financial freedom while working from home.

    Don’t let this opportunity pass by! Start your journey to financial independence right now by following this link to learn more and begin ==> https://zeep.ly/GTbnj

    Yours truly

    Australia, QLD, Lower Mount Walker, 4340, 15 Goebels Road
    To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email…

  • I

    Ismael Naylor

    Hi there

    Uncover the $159K Ready-Made Business, fully managed by an Artificial Intelligence-cloned Millionaire. With the potential to earn up to $417.95 per transaction, this venture demands no manual labor on your part. Everything necessary is built-in and set up!

    Enjoy unique entrepreneurial tools like the Social Media Builder, Email Writer, Movie-Maker, Blog Creator, and Photo Creator. These tools create unique content to effortlessly grow your business.

    Don’t delay—reshape your destiny today! Click here to get started and unlock the impact of AI-driven achievements: https://zeep.ly/mpnqY

    Yours sincerely

    Austria, LOWER AUSTRIA, Lacken, 4101, Lerchenfelder Stra?E 94
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  • M

    Maisie Nakamura

    Hi there

    Explore the $159K Done-For-You business, entirely operated by an AI-cloned Millionaire. With the ability to generate up to $417.95 with each sale, this venture needs no effort on your part. Everything you need is included and ready to go!

    Benefit from elite millionaire tools like the Social Content Creator, Email Writer, Movie-Maker, Blog Creator, and Image Maker. These tools generate custom content to seamlessly scale your enterprise.

    Act now—change your life today! Tap here to start now and experience the impact of AI-driven achievements: https://zeep.ly/VeSnt

    Yours truly

    Germany, TH, Geschwenda, 98718, Koenigstrasse 18
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  • I

    Ilene Stoneman


    Discover the $159K Turnkey Business, completely run by an AI-cloned Wealth Creator. With the potential to earn up to $417.95 per sale, this business requires no hard work on your part. Everything necessary is built-in and ready to go!

    Benefit from unique millionaire tools like the Social Media Builder, Email Creator, Movie-Maker, Blog Creator, and Image Maker. These tools produce original content to seamlessly expand your company.

    Don’t wait—transform your future today! Hit the link to begin and experience the potential of AI-powered success: https://zeep.ly/VeSnt

    Kind regards

    Austria, TYROL, Kauns, 6522, Gumpendorfer Strasse 59
    To stop any further communication with miguelortego.com, please reply to this email…

  • J

    Jerald Brinker

    Hi there

    Discover the $159K Ready-Made Business, completely run by an AI-powered Wealth Creator. With the opportunity to make up to $417.95 per sale, this business demands no manual labor on your part. Everything necessary is ready to use and prepared for you!

    Enjoy elite wealth-building resources like the Social Content Creator, Email Creator, Film Producer, Content Writer, and Photographer. These tools create unique content to effortlessly expand your company.

    Don’t delay—transform your future today! Click here to get started and experience the potential of AI-powered success: https://zeep.ly/LtQiX


    Denmark, REGION SJALLAND, Kobenhavn V, 1507, Prastevanget 71
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  • S


    Hello miguelortego.com Webmaster

    Enhance your web visibility and boost your profits with our exclusive traffic service.

    – Real Visitors Only: No bots or proxies, just genuine web users.
    – Relevant Visitors: Get visitors from Google and referral traffic from social media.
    – Tested Results: Many of our clients have noticed significant increases in web traffic and revenue.

    For a limited time, enjoy the discount on your initial order of our web traffic plan. Don’t lose this chance on this chance to boost your web visibility and increase your business.

    Get Started Now and Watch Your Traffic Soar =>> https://zeep.ly/lDwry

    Best regards,

    United Kingdom, NA, Buckerell, Ex14 5eb, 82 Trehafod Road
    To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: Unsubscribe miguelortego.com

  • A

    Adelaide Knowles

    Hi there

    Discover the key to earning over $three hundred dollars every day, starting today.

    Discover how simple it is – everybody can make it happen…

    Avoid missing this exclusive offer.

    Tap here to start now! ⮕ https://zeep.ly/jlSfv


    France, CENTRE, Issy-Les-Moulineaux, 92130, 7 Route De Lyon
    To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email…

  • K

    Krystle Studer


    Find out the way you can earn $250 daily on the internet with these proven techniques and resources.

    Our comprehensive guide provides valuable strategies that are easy to understand and put into practice, enabling you to achieve financial independence while working from home.

    Don’t let this opportunity pass by! Start your journey to monetary independence right now by clicking here to discover more and start now ==> https://zeep.ly/vqlAf

    Yours sincerely

    Austria, CARINTHIA, Arlsdorf, 9100, Brauhof 3
    To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email…

  • H

    Helaine Rhem


    Learn how you could make $250 daily through online methods with these successful techniques and materials.

    The comprehensive guide provides helpful tactics that are simple to follow and implement, enabling you to achieve monetary freedom without leaving your home.

    Don’t miss out! Kickstart your journey to financial freedom today by clicking this link to discover more and start now ==> https://zeep.ly/SaawR

    Warm regards

    France, CENTRE, Les Ulis, 91940, 83 Rue Du Paillle En Queue
    To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email…

  • S


    To the miguelortego.com Owner

    I hope this message finds you well! I wanted to share an exciting opportunity to boost your web visibility and accelerate your profits with our premium traffic service.

    – Authentic Traffic Only: No bots or proxy traffic, just real users visiting your site.
    – Focused Traffic: Attract users from Google and social media referrals from platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
    – Tested Results: Many of our customers have experienced dramatic increases in web traffic and sales after using our service.

    For a limited time, you can enjoy a special price of our traffic solution. Don’t miss this chance to enhance your online presence and grow your business!

    Start Today and Watch Your Visitors Grow =>> https://zeep.ly/ealhK

    Best regards,

    Australia, NSW, Singleton Heights, 2330, 94 Milbrodale Road
    To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: Unsubscribe miguelortego.com

  • S


    To the miguelortego.com Owner

    I hope this message finds you well! I wanted to share an exciting opportunity to boost your web visibility and accelerate your profits with our premium traffic service.

    – Authentic Traffic Only: No bots or proxy traffic, just real users visiting your site.
    – Focused Traffic: Attract users from Google and social media referrals from platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
    – Tested Results: Many of our customers have experienced dramatic increases in web traffic and sales after using our service.

    For a limited time, you can enjoy a special price of our traffic solution. Don’t miss this chance to enhance your online presence and grow your business!

    Start Today and Watch Your Visitors Grow =>> https://zeep.ly/ealhK

    Best regards,

    Belgium, WNA, Mean, 5372, Jagerij 152
    To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: Unsubscribe miguelortego.com

  • A

    Adrianna Domingo


    If you need reliable and fast proxies, our solution can help you achieve your online goals more efficiently. Here’s what we offer:
    – Unlimited bandwidth and unlimited concurrent connections
    – Up to 40,000 datacenter proxies (HTTP & Socks5)
    – Easy proxy management with a simple dashboard
    – Dedicated support for any questions or needs

    Not ready to decide yet? Try our free trial now:
    – 10 concurrent connections
    – 100 shared datacenter proxies

    It’s easy to try, and you’ve got nothing to lose. Test it now: https://fas.st/t/qERom331

    Best regards

    Great Britain, NA, Drayton, Pe20 6gx, 62 Prospect Hill
    To stop any further communication with miguelortego.com, please reply to this email…

  • S


    Dear miguelortego.com Admin

    I hope this message finds you well! I wanted to share an exciting opportunity to boost your web visibility and accelerate your profits with our premium traffic service.

    – Authentic Traffic Only: No bots or proxy traffic, just real users visiting your site.
    – Focused Traffic: Attract users from Google and social media referrals from platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
    – Tested Results: Many of our customers have experienced dramatic increases in web traffic and sales after using our service.

    For a limited time, you can enjoy a special price of our traffic solution. Don’t miss this chance to enhance your online presence and grow your business!

    Start Today and Watch Your Visitors Grow =>> https://zeep.ly/ealhK

    Best regards,

    Great Britain, NA, Ackergill, Kw1 0bx, 3 Wartnaby Road
    To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: Unsubscribe miguelortego.com

  • B

    Burton Glennie


    If you need reliable and fast proxies, our solution can help you achieve your online goals more efficiently. Here’s what we offer:
    – Unlimited bandwidth and unlimited concurrent connections
    – Up to 40,000 datacenter proxies (HTTP & Socks5)
    – Easy proxy management with a simple dashboard
    – Dedicated support for any questions or needs

    Not ready to decide yet? Try our free trial now:
    – 10 concurrent connections
    – 100 shared datacenter proxies

    It’s easy to try, and you’ve got nothing to lose. Test it now: https://fas.st/t/qERom331

    Yours truly

    France, CENTRE, Montpellier, 34070, 29 Rue De La Mare Aux Carats
    To stop any further communication with miguelortego.com, please reply to this email…

  • S


    Hello miguelortego.com Administrator

    Increase your online presence and skyrocket your earnings with our premium web traffic solution.

    – Genuine Visitors Only: Zero bots or proxy traffic, just authentic web users.
    – Focused Traffic: Receive traffic from search engines and social media referrals from social platforms.
    – Tested Results: Numerous clients have seen dramatic surges in web traffic and conversions.

    For a brief time, get the price reduction on your initial order of our web traffic plan. Don’t miss out on this possibility to enhance your digital reach and grow your business.

    Start Today and Watch Your Visitors Grow =>> https://zeep.ly/rKaOH

    Best regards,

    United States, IL, Rockford, 61101, 4849 Braxton Street
    To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: Unsubscribe miguelortego.com

  • A

    Alicia Enoch


    Introducing the Best Video Player for Your Website!

    Stop using direct YouTube embedded videos that distract and steal customers.
    YouTube drives away visitors, hurts sales, and damages your business reputation.
    Switch to the A.I. Video Player and make 10x more sales while growing your business.

    Stream lightning-fast videos to skyrocket sales and leads.
    – No video hosting fees ever.
    – Add unlimited video players.
    – Embed videos to unlimited websites.

    Use code «VIDEOO» for $2 off! This special offer is limited to the first 100 buyers.

    Don’t miss out get it now from here: https://zeep.ly/vpmRV

    Yours sincerely

    Australia, QLD, Whyanbeel, 4873, 24 Ryker Rd
    To stop any further communication with miguelortego.com, please reply to this email…

  • E

    Eddy Culbertson


    Introducing the Best Video Player for Your Website!

    Stop using direct YouTube embedded videos that distract and steal customers.
    YouTube drives away visitors, hurts sales, and damages your business reputation.
    Switch to the A.I. Video Player and make 10x more sales while growing your business.

    Stream lightning-fast videos to skyrocket sales and leads.
    – No video hosting fees ever.
    – Add unlimited video players.
    – Embed videos to unlimited websites.

    Use code «VIDEOO» for $2 off! This special offer is limited to the first 100 buyers.

    Don’t miss out get it now from here: https://zeep.ly/vpmRV

    Thank you

    United States, NY, Syracuse, 13202, 1612 Cliffside Drive
    To stop any further communication with miguelortego.com, please reply to this email…

  • S


    To the miguelortego.com Owner

    Increase your digital footprint and skyrocket your earnings with our special Website Traffic service.

    – Genuine Visitors Only: Zero bots or proxy traffic, just genuine users.
    – Focused Traffic: Attract users from organic sources and referrals from social platforms.
    – Tested Results: Many of our clients have seen significant increases in web traffic and revenue.

    For a short period, get the discount on your first-time buy of our web traffic plan. Don’t lose this chance on this possibility to boost your web visibility and increase your business.

    Begin Now and Watch Your Visitors Grow =>> https://zeep.ly/rKaOH

    Best regards,

    United States, PA, Fort Washington, 19034, 190 Linda Street
    To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: Unsubscribe miguelortego.com

  • P

    Patrice Hoffnung

    Hi there

    If you need reliable and fast proxies, our solution can help you achieve your online goals more efficiently. Here’s what we offer:
    – Unlimited bandwidth and unlimited concurrent connections
    – Up to 40,000 datacenter proxies (HTTP & Socks5)
    – Easy proxy management with a simple dashboard
    – Dedicated support for any questions or needs

    Not ready to decide yet? Try our free trial now:
    – 10 concurrent connections
    – 100 shared datacenter proxies

    It’s easy to try, and you’ve got nothing to lose. Test it now: https://fas.st/t/qERom331

    Thank you

    Great Britain, NA, Porthpean, Pl26 0hy, 44 Scarcroft Road
    To stop any further communication with miguelortego.com, please reply to this email…

  • C

    Chauncey Lamarche

    Hi there

    If you need reliable and fast proxies, our solution can help you achieve your online goals more efficiently. Here’s what we offer:
    – Unlimited bandwidth and unlimited concurrent connections
    – Up to 40,000 datacenter proxies (HTTP & Socks5)
    – Easy proxy management with a simple dashboard
    – Dedicated support for any questions or needs

    Not ready to decide yet? Try our free trial now:
    – 10 concurrent connections
    – 100 shared datacenter proxies

    It’s easy to try, and you’ve got nothing to lose. Test it now: https://fas.st/t/qERom331

    Yours truly

    Italy, VI, Sossano, 36040, Via Del Carmine 134
    To stop any further communication with miguelortego.com, please reply to this email…

  • R

    Reyes Otto

    Hi there

    Introducing the Best Video Player for Your Website!

    Stop using direct YouTube embedded videos that distract and steal customers.
    YouTube drives away visitors, hurts sales, and damages your business reputation.
    Switch to the A.I. Video Player and make 10x more sales while growing your business.

    Stream lightning-fast videos to skyrocket sales and leads.
    – No video hosting fees ever.
    – Add unlimited video players.
    – Embed videos to unlimited websites.

    Use code «VIDEOO» for $2 off! This special offer is limited to the first 100 buyers.

    Don’t miss out get it now from here: https://zeep.ly/vpmRV


    Brazil, PR, Almirante Tamandare, 83513-380, Rua Oito 1428
    To stop any further communication with miguelortego.com, please reply to this email…

  • C

    Chance Gutman

    Good day

    If you need reliable and fast proxies, our solution can help you achieve your online goals more efficiently. Here’s what we offer:
    – Unlimited bandwidth and unlimited concurrent connections
    – Up to 40,000 datacenter proxies (HTTP & Socks5)
    – Easy proxy management with a simple dashboard
    – Dedicated support for any questions or needs

    Not ready to decide yet? Try our free trial now:
    – 10 concurrent connections
    – 100 shared datacenter proxies

    It’s easy to try, and you’ve got nothing to lose. Test it now: https://fas.st/t/qERom331

    Yours truly

    Belgium, VOV, Kluisbergen, 9690, Maskenstraat 149
    To stop any further communication with miguelortego.com, please reply to this email…

  • M

    Morgan Bolling


    Discover the secret to earning more than one hundred dollars every day, starting today.

    Learn how simple it is – any person can succeed…

    Avoid missing this exclusive chance.

    Click here to start now => https://zeep.ly/BQnbP

    Kind regards

    Switzerland, NA, Birwinken, 8585, Semperweg 150
    To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email…

  • C

    Cherie Shead


    If you need reliable and fast proxies, our solution can help you achieve your online goals more efficiently. Here’s what we offer:
    – Unlimited bandwidth and unlimited concurrent connections
    – Up to 40,000 datacenter proxies (HTTP & Socks5)
    – Easy proxy management with a simple dashboard
    – Dedicated support for any questions or needs

    Not ready to decide yet? Try our free trial now:
    – 10 concurrent connections
    – 100 shared datacenter proxies

    It’s easy to try, and you’ve got nothing to lose. Test it now: https://fas.st/t/qERom331

    Kind regards

    Italy, CN, San Rocco Monta, 12046, Via Moiariello 133
    To stop any further communication with miguelortego.com, please reply to this email…

  • S


    Dear miguelortego.com Webmaster

    Boost your digital footprint and skyrocket your revenue with our premium Website Traffic service.

    – Authentic Traffic Only: Zero bots or proxies, just authentic users.
    – Focused Traffic: Get visitors from search engines and social media referrals from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.
    – Proven Results: A lot of our customers have noticed dramatic surges in traffic and revenue.

    For a short period, take advantage of the price reduction on your first purchase of our Website Traffic service. Don’t miss out on this possibility to grow your web visibility and grow your business.

    Begin Now and Watch Your Traffic Soar =>> https://zeep.ly/fazBV

    Best regards,

    Great Britain, NA, Belsyde, Eh49 0uw, 69 Old Edinburgh Road
    To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: Unsubscribe miguelortego.com

  • S


    Hello miguelortego.com Administrator

    Increase your online presence and skyrocket your revenue with our special traffic service.

    – Genuine Visitors Only: No bots or proxies, just genuine visitors.
    – Relevant Visitors: Receive traffic from Google and referral traffic from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.
    – Guaranteed Outcomes: Many of our clients have experienced dramatic surges in traffic and conversions.

    For a short period, get the discount on your first-time buy of our web traffic plan. Don’t lose this chance on this chance to enhance your digital reach and increase your business.

    Get Started Now and See Your Traffic Increase =>> https://zeep.ly/zbfEV

    Best regards,

    Austria, BURGENLAND, Lavant, 9900, Dieselstrasse 83
    To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: Unsubscribe miguelortego.com

  • B

    Brandie Gaither


    Discover the secret to making over $three hundred dollars per day, starting immediately.

    Discover how easy it is – everybody can do it…

    Avoid missing this special offer.

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    United States, OR, Bend, 97701, 1457 Sycamore Road
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  • S


    To the miguelortego.com Owner

    I hope you’re doing well! I wanted to reach out and share an exciting opportunity to enhance your website’s authority and visibility through high-quality backlinks.

    Our team specializes in white-hat backlink building services that are designed to improve your SEO without compromising your site’s safety. For a limited time, we’re offering our SEO Backlinks package for just $1 with the coupon code: DISCOUNT$1

    This is a fantastic way to experience the value of our services firsthand without a significant investment.

    If you’re interested, you can get started by visiting: https://zeep.ly/LLWJl


    Austria, STYRIA, Feistritz, 8190, Waldstrasse 75
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  • G

    Garfield Cazares

    Good day

    Learn the way you can generate $250 per day through online methods with these successful methods and tools.

    Our complete guide delivers useful tactics that are simple to follow and implement, allowing you to attain financial freedom while working from home.

    Act now! Begin your path to financial independence today by following this link to get more information and begin ==> https://zeep.ly/rFalK


    Switzerland, NA, Lurtigen, 3215, Obere Haltenstrasse 132
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  • S


    Hi miguelortego.com Administrator

    I hope you’re doing well! I wanted to reach out and share an exciting opportunity to enhance your website’s authority and visibility through high-quality backlinks.

    Our team specializes in white-hat backlink building services that are designed to improve your SEO without compromising your site’s safety. For a limited time, we’re offering our SEO Backlinks package for just $1 with the coupon code: DISCOUNT$1

    This is a fantastic way to experience the value of our services firsthand without a significant investment.

    If you’re interested, you can get started by visiting: https://zeep.ly/LLWJl


    Italy, SA, Ciorani, 84080, Via Rosmini 20
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  • E

    Emilio Sherrod


    If you need reliable and fast proxies, our solution can help you achieve your online goals more efficiently. Here’s what we offer:
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    France, ILE-DE-FRANCE, Etampes, 91150, 8 Rue Du Palais
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  • L

    Lorraine Linthicum

    Hi there

    Introducing the Best Video Player for Your Website!

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    Use code «VIDEOO» for $2 off! This special offer is limited to the first 100 buyers.

    Don’t miss out get it now from here: https://zeep.ly/vpmRV


    Netherlands, ZH, Den Haag, 2571 As, Loosduinseweg 96
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  • K

    Kacey Clever

    Good day

    Introducing the Best Video Player for Your Website!

    Stop using direct YouTube embedded videos that distract and steal customers.
    YouTube drives away visitors, hurts sales, and damages your business reputation.
    Switch to the A.I. Video Player and make 10x more sales while growing your business.

    Stream lightning-fast videos to skyrocket sales and leads.
    – No video hosting fees ever.
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    – Embed videos to unlimited websites.

    Use code «VIDEOO» for $2 off! This special offer is limited to the first 100 buyers.

    Don’t miss out get it now from here: https://zeep.ly/vpmRV


    Austria, CARINTHIA, Gotzendorf, 9423, Brixentaler Strasse 49
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  • V

    Valarie Quick

    Would you like to learn how to boost your sales with a dedicated video player, without distractions or redirects? Reply with «yes» and I’ll send you more details!

  • S



    I noticed that you manage miguelortego.com, and I wanted to offer my help in improving its online visibility.
    If you feel there are areas of your site that could benefit from optimization, I provide tailored SEO services to help drive more traffic and enhance its performance.

    Would you be interested in an SEO audit or any other improvements for your site?
    If so, simply reply to this email with «yes» and I’d be happy to discuss more details with you.

    Looking forward to hearing from you!


    To stop any further communication from us, please reply to this email with subject: Unsubscribe miguelortego.com

  • C

    Carol Vesely


    Discover how you can make $250 per day online with proven methods and resources.
    Our comprehensive guide offers valuable strategies that are simple to follow and easy to implement, helping you achieve financial freedom from the comfort of your home.

    Don’t miss out!

    Start your journey to financial independence today => https://zeep.ly/JaJtT

    Best regards

    Switzerland, NA, Gumefens, 1643, Scheidweg 77
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  • B



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    Best regards

    Germany, BB, Eisenhuttenstadt, 15873, Landhausstra?E 27
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  • E

    Ernesto Levay

    Play and Win at the Best Gambling Sites.

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  • S


    Hello miguelortego.com Administrator

    Take Control of Your Google Maps Rankings!

    Boost your business visibility with our «Google Maps Ranking» service and secure a top spot in local search results. Attract more customers and stand out from the competition.

    Don’t let this opportunity slip away – establish your market presence today! Get started now and invest in our service for guaranteed success!

    Are you ready to dominate the Google Maps rankings or enhance your website in other ways? Reply «yes» to this email, and I’ll be happy to share more details with you.

    Best regards,

    Italy, AQ, Aragno, 67010, Via Raffaele Conforti 143
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  • S


    Hello miguelortego.com Owner

    Take Control of Your Google Maps Rankings!

    Boost your business visibility with our «Google Maps Ranking» service and secure a top spot in local search results. Attract more customers and stand out from the competition.

    Don’t let this opportunity slip away – establish your market presence today! Get started now and invest in our service for guaranteed success!

    Are you ready to dominate the Google Maps rankings or enhance your website in other ways? Reply «yes» to this email, and I’ll be happy to share more details with you.

    Best regards,

    Brazil, RJ, Teresopolis, 25975-430, Rua Joao Queiroz 923
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  • S


    Hello miguelortego.com Owner

    Take Control of Your Google Maps Rankings!

    Boost your business visibility with our «Google Maps Ranking» service and secure a top spot in local search results. Attract more customers and stand out from the competition.

    Don’t let this opportunity slip away – establish your market presence today! Get started now and invest in our service for guaranteed success!

    Are you ready to dominate the Google Maps rankings or enhance your website in other ways? Reply «yes» to this email, and I’ll be happy to share more details with you.

    Best regards,

    Italy, MN, Pieve Di Coriano, 46020, Via Galileo Ferraris 112
    To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: Unsubscribe miguelortego.com

  • S


    Hi miguelortego.com Owner

    Take Control of Your Google Maps Rankings!

    Boost your business visibility with our «Google Maps Ranking» service and secure a top spot in local search results. Attract more customers and stand out from the competition.

    Don’t let this opportunity slip away – establish your market presence today! Get started now and invest in our service for guaranteed success!

    Are you ready to dominate the Google Maps rankings or enhance your website in other ways? Reply «yes» to this email, and I’ll be happy to share more details with you.

    Best regards,

    Netherlands, NB, S-Hertogenbosch, 5237 El, Pisastraat 15
    To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: Unsubscribe miguelortego.com

  • S


    Hello miguelortego.com Admin

    Take Control of Your Google Maps Rankings!

    Boost your business visibility with our «Google Maps Ranking» service and secure a top spot in local search results. Attract more customers and stand out from the competition.

    Don’t let this opportunity slip away – establish your market presence today! Get started now and invest in our service for guaranteed success!

    Are you ready to dominate the Google Maps rankings or enhance your website in other ways? Reply «yes» to this email, and I’ll be happy to share more details with you.

    Best regards,

    United States, TX, Midland, 79701, 852 Scenicview Drive
    To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: Unsubscribe miguelortego.com

  • S


    Hi miguelortego.com Administrator

    Take Control of Your Google Maps Rankings!

    Boost your business visibility with our «Google Maps Ranking» service and secure a top spot in local search results. Attract more customers and stand out from the competition.

    Don’t let this opportunity slip away – establish your market presence today! Get started now and invest in our service for guaranteed success!

    Are you ready to dominate the Google Maps rankings or enhance your website in other ways? Reply «yes» to this email, and I’ll be happy to share more details with you.

    Best regards,

    Netherlands, ZE, Clinge, 4567 Db, Aelbert Cuypstraat 31
    To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: Unsubscribe miguelortego.com

  • S


    To the miguelortego.com Webmaster

    Take Control of Your Google Maps Rankings!

    Boost your business visibility with our «Google Maps Ranking» service and secure a top spot in local search results. Attract more customers and stand out from the competition.

    Don’t let this opportunity slip away – establish your market presence today! Get started now and invest in our service for guaranteed success!

    Are you ready to dominate the Google Maps rankings or enhance your website in other ways? Reply «yes» to this email, and I’ll be happy to share more details with you.

    Best regards,

    Germany, BB, Brandenburg, 14772, Alt-Moabit 7
    To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: Unsubscribe miguelortego.com

  • B

    Bryan Mcmullen


    Are you looking for reliable and affordable web hosting solutions for your business? Discover o2switch, the trusted platform offering a range of hosting services designed to meet the needs of small businesses, startups, and entrepreneurs.

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    Best regards,

    o2switch Team

  • R

    Rosemarie Pemberton


    Are you looking for reliable and affordable web hosting solutions for your business? Discover o2switch, the trusted platform offering a range of hosting services designed to meet the needs of small businesses, startups, and entrepreneurs.

    o2switch provides high-performance hosting solutions with excellent uptime, robust security, and user-friendly management tools. Whether you’re an e-commerce business, a blogger, or a digital agency, our hosting services ensure your website runs smoothly and efficiently.

    By choosing o2switch, you’ll gain access to scalable hosting plans, 24/7 customer support, and advanced features that support your online growth. Join thousands of businesses who trust o2switch to host their websites and provide a seamless online experience.

    Don’t wait to secure your online presence. Start hosting with o2switch today and enjoy the benefits of reliable web hosting:


    Best regards,

    o2switch Team

  • V

    Verena Conn

    Hello miguelortego.com Administrator

    Take Control of Your Google Maps Rankings!

    Boost your business visibility with our «Google Maps Ranking» service and secure a top spot in local search results. Attract more customers and stand out from the competition.

    Don’t let this opportunity slip away – establish your market presence today! Get started now and invest in our service for guaranteed success!

    Are you ready to dominate the Google Maps rankings or enhance your website in other ways? Reply to this email, and I’ll be happy to share more details with you.

    Best regards,
    Verena Conn

    Australia, NSW, Vacy, 2421, 86 Millicent Drive
    To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: Unsubscribe miguelortego.com

  • E

    Elvia Benedict

    Hello miguelortego.com Admin

    Take Control of Your Google Maps Rankings!

    Boost your business visibility with our «Google Maps Ranking» service and secure a top spot in local search results. Attract more customers and stand out from the competition.

    Don’t let this opportunity slip away – establish your market presence today! Get started now and invest in our service for guaranteed success!

    Are you ready to dominate the Google Maps rankings or enhance your website in other ways? Reply to this email, and I’ll be happy to share more details with you.

    Best regards,
    Elvia Benedict

    Germany, MV, Stralsund, 18409, Schoenebergerstrasse 24
    To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: Unsubscribe miguelortego.com

  • M

    May Shurtleff

    Hi miguelortego.com Webmaster

    Are you ready to take control of your Google Maps Rankings and boost your business visibility?

    Would you like to learn more about our «Google Maps Ranking» service and how it can help you secure a top spot in local search results, attract more customers, and stand out from the competition?

    Let us know, and we’ll share all the details with you!

    Reply to this email, and I’ll be happy to share more details with you.

    Best regards,
    May Shurtleff

    France, PROVENCE-ALPES-COTE D’AZUR, Marseille, 13001, 41 Rue Beauvau
    To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: Unsubscribe miguelortego.com

  • K

    Kelsey Frisina

    Hi miguelortego.com Admin

    Are you ready to take control of your Google Maps Rankings and boost your business visibility?

    Would you like to learn more about our «Google Maps Ranking» service and how it can help you secure a top spot in local search results, attract more customers, and stand out from the competition?

    Let us know, and we’ll share all the details with you!

    Reply to this email, and I’ll be happy to share more details with you.

    Best regards,
    Kelsey Frisina

    Australia, NSW, Bumberry, 2870, 92 Farnell Street
    To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: Unsubscribe !miguelortego.com

  • A

    Augustus Wasson

    Mi nombre es Ahmet. Soy empleado de un banco turco. He estado buscando a alguien que tenga la misma nacionalidad que tú. Un ciudadano de su país murió en el reciente terremoto en Turquía y tenía en nuestro banco un depósito fijo de 11,5 millones de dólares.

    La dirección de mi banco aún no se ha enterado de su muerte. Si el ejecutivo de mi banco se entera de su muerte, usarían los fondos para ellos mismos y se harían más ricos y me gustaría evitar que eso suceda solo si consigo su cooperación. Lo sabía porque yo era su administrador de cuentas. La semana pasada la dirección de mi banco se reunió con el objetivo de realizar una auditoría bancaria para comprobar las cuentas de depósito inactivas y abandonadas. Sé que esto sucederá y por eso estoy buscando una solución para afrontar esta situación porque si mi banco descubre su muerte, desviarán los fondos a la junta directiva. No quiero que eso suceda.

    Solicito su cooperación para presentarlo como pariente/heredero de la cuenta ya que es de la misma nacionalidad que él. No hay riesgo; la transacción se lleva a cabo bajo un acuerdo legal que lo protege de infracciones. Sugiero que dividamos los fondos, 60/40 y 40 para mí. Necesito este fondo para la cirugía de mi hija, así que mantenga esta información confidencial. envíame un correo electrónico para poder brindarte más información. ahmetturkiye1974@outlook.com

  • M

    Melanie Delagarza

    Dear miguelortego.com Administrator

    Are you ready to take control of your Google Maps Rankings and boost your business visibility?

    Would you like to learn more about our «Google Maps Ranking» service and how it can help you secure a top spot in local search results, attract more customers, and stand out from the competition?

    Let us know, and we’ll share all the details with you!

    Reply to this email, and I’ll be happy to share more details with you.

    Best regards,
    Melanie Delagarza

    Austria, BURGENLAND, Dirnberg, 4624, Peintnerstrasse 6
    To stop any further communication through your website form, Please reply with subject: Unsubscribe !miguelortego.com

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